Ms. Profitt will provide educational training to OWCAM community managers regarding the relevant laws governing Oregon and Washington community associations and help managers prepare for their CAMP Ce...
Firm Background
Our firm stands out due to our commitment to the education of homeowners associations, community managers, board members and homeowners on the legal responsibilities involved in managing and living in a community association. We believe this legal knowledge enables us to help guide our clients to the best possible outcomes, protecting the investments of association members and reducing the risk of lawsuits which may become a financial strain on an association.
Latest News
Ms. Profitt will present to fellow attorneys for continuing legal education credit on: HOA/Condominium Law Issues and Trends Role of the association’s governing documents CC&R amendments vs. board...
On March 12, 2016, Kathleen Profitt enjoyed working with new Habitat for Humanity owners and teaching them how to run the HOAs of which they will soon become members.
Kathleen Profitt to teach the OWCAM CAMP Certification Class on May 6, 2016